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Saturday 12 May 2012

Humility is not just a nicety; the thinking, perceiving or acting as if someone is better than you. It is not just the thinking or state of mind that places you lower than someone else for we all have worth. Humility is a weapon that destroys pride. It is not a soft force or a velvet glove, it is not merely a whisper but it is a hammer, it is a behemoth, a force of utter destruction against the self; a destroyer of the abhorrent self that would lay claim to any sense of power, position, pseudo-righteousness that we would believe we have attained ourselves or that we project onto others. Humility is the defence against offence, it is the offence against defensiveness, it is the action that quells reaction and the buffer to self.

For pride to die it has to be killed. Pride is the ego that disguises itself as the voice of your best friend, the one who has your back, your deceptive conscience. It twists the truth, perverts judgement and it’s favorite words are ‘you deserve this or you don’t deserve this’. It is based on what is ‘fair’ not what is right. Pride has no concept of justice, it has no concept of gentleness or mercy. Pride comes before a fall because pride is the kicker, the pusher, the reactionary. For pride to die it has to be slain by a force that in itself makes no sense. A force that free’s through mysterious and painful means, non-sensical means; non-sensical because the voice of the ‘best friend’ prevents you from seeing the big picture.The evil hides in the place that is familiar and we can’t see it because we are so consumed by what is done to us or what happens to us that we are blinded to it. 

Something has to come in and re-order in foolish and non-sensical ways. To strip everything away with no answer only for the answer to later become so clear - not in MY strength, not in MY power, not by MY hand or by MY doing. The world does not revolve around me. Humility quiets the storm with a whisper. A gentle word soothes a savage tongue. A fight is neither one or lost but it is stopped without a casualty. No losers shame, no winners lording; no winners guilt or losers pain, simply unity of heart, restoration and forgiveness. Humility doesn’t say you are better than me or I worse than you, there is no comparison within humility. We miss the point when we think like that. Humility says I prefer you, I put you first. It comes like a foolish fist, like an invisible wind tearing up trees. It reorders and lays a foundation where things can be built. It leaves no destruction save that which needs to removed. Humility is the only cure for the cancer of pride that is close to the body it is part of it; but like a cancer pride will strangle and take over till one is blinded. Humility destroys it and brings healing. 

 For life to rise the flesh has to die so put a sword through pride. Use the blade of humility and truth to cleave through the deceitful heart. Let love guide; gentle and kind, devoid of pride. Wear humility like suit of armor hidden beneath rags, unassuming yet deadly to the flesh that is so eager so say it is all about me. Humility is a weapon, a shield and it makes no sense except through the eyes of the spirit. Watch out for it’s effect versus pride. There are no losers in humility, there are no winners merely beneficiaries, the rescued and the restored. Humility is one of the biggest steps to restored marriages, healed friendships, life breathed relationships, good attitudes and joyful submission and quick obedience. Humility is not soft, it is not weak, it cannot be defeated. Humility is strong, decisive, powerful and life changing.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Good vs The Best.

I was thinking this morning as I sat down to watch another worship video on youtube how as a Christian I can be so easily distracted with things that are good but not the best for me.

I could pick up the word or I could watch something that I am not really connecting with. Anyway the point is for me I can be so easily distracted and think I am doing something good but not really feeding myself on the right things. Maybe this will resonate with you; maybe you will disagree with it, may it will encourage you.

 It is not simply enough to continually be fed to become fat on information, entertainment even spirituality in terms of what we have access to. Am I being drawn closer to the almighty or am I simply resting taking in bite-size chunks of someone else’s worship, expression or heart.

For the four minutes and forty second glimpse I get of the divine through the led screen of a man made machine am I better off? Is feeding off the word any different. Does everything that goes through my eyes reach my heart. How am I engaging? How am I changing; put down the screen or close the page which one is lasting.

There is something about the God breathed versus the God inspired; the undiluted versus the fleshly perverted. It’s true there is good but what is best. How can I open up my chest and and let him in as much as I want to pour out? If there is nothing to give but only me then I’l lose a lot of blood as I continue to bleed, what gives me energy, it’s what I choose to feed off of. Is it fast food or earth’s bounty? He who knows what is best for me knows that it doesn’t always come easy; yet the dichotomy seems to be that it comes from a place of rest laid before me.

 Read to me and sing to me, love for me and live for me.
Distantly and vicariously I choose to spend my days.

Serve for me and die for me, pray for me and seek for me.
Lazily and slothfully I choose to spend my days.

The treasure is for you not me; I think it is mine because I can see
All the gold and wealth laid out before me.

 But truth be told if I don’t seek, tear my nails and break my teeth
If I don’t chase, I won’t lay hold, all I’ll gain is fool’s gold.

 Deceitfully, distractingly I’m fed a thousand things,
 Foolishly, impulsively, I’ll make a thousand plans
I’ll let good and best fight it out while I let wisdom rot
When I reach the finish line I’ll see how much I’ve lost.

 But it doesn’t have to be this way, I can turn around
Repentance, the means to walk away
In righteous ways be found
Spirit guide and spirit lead Scripture filled and strong
Weak in body but wrought with faith
I’ll keep pressing on.

The fight for silence to clearly hear
The words so sweet within my ears
This is the way to go

To take the journey impossible to pack for
The distance between head and heart
The impossible adventure.
For life in Christ that promises all
Requires every part of my being.